

전남대학교 간호역사관 개관

전남대학교 간호대학(학장 김수진)은 2012년 2월 27일 간호대학 교수회의에서 ‘전남대학교 간호교육 100주년’을 맞아 기념사업의 일환으로 ‘간호역사관’을 건립하고 ‘전남대학교 간호교육 100년사’를 발간하기로 결정하였으며, ‘역사편찬위원회’를 구성하고 위원장으로 박인혜교수를 선출하였다. ‘간호역사관’은 2010년 7월 1일에 대학본부로부터 간호대학이 사용하도록 승인받은 의학관 3층에 건립하기로 의결하였다.

2012년 3월 31일 ‘전남대학교 간호대학 동창회 정기총회’에서 ‘전남대학교 간호교육 100주년 기념사업’의 취지와 사업계획을 발표하고, ‘간호역사관’ 건립계획과 자료수집에 대한 안내문을 국내 및 해외 거주 동문들에게 발송하였다. 2012년 10월 29일 간호대학 교수회의에서 ‘전남대학교 간호교육 100주년 기념사업’ 추진위원장으로 김수진 간호대학장과 김안자 간호대학 동창회장이 선출되었으며, ‘간호역사관 건립위원회’가 구성되고, 건립위원장에 강혜영 교수가 선출되었다. 2012년 11월 20일에 ‘전남대학교 간호대학 건학 100주년’을 선포하고 기념 심포지움과 학술대회를 개최하였다.

2012년 10월 25일에 대학본부로부터 의학관 3층에 ‘간호역사관’을 건립하도록 승인받은 후 11월 5일에 ‘전문가 자문위원’을 위촉하였다. 2013년 1월 2일에 공개 입찰로 선정된 ㈜컨티뉴와 ‘간호역사관’ 건립 공사계약을 체결하였으며, 대학 본부의 감독 하에 공사를 진행하였다. 2013년 9월 30일 간호대학 교수회의에서 ‘간호역사관 운영규정’이 통과되고 간호대학장이 간호역사관장으로 임명되었다. 2013년 10월 30일에 ‘전남대학교 간호교육 100년사’를 출간하고, 11월 28일에 ‘간호역사관’을 개관하였다


Establishment of Chonnam National University Nursing History Museum

Chonnam National University College of Nursing (CNUCON) decided to establish the ‘Nursing History Museum’ as a commemorative project to mark the ‘100th Anniversary of Nursing Education at Chonnam National University’ and publish ‘100-year History of Nursing Education at Chonnam National University’ on February 27, 2012. Prof. In Hyae Park was elected as the chairperson of the ‘History Compilation Committee’. The College of Nursing faculty members voted to build ‘Nursing History Museum’ on the 3rd floor of the Medical Building, which was approved by the Chonnam National University Headquarter for use by the College of Nursing on July 1, 2010.

On March 31, 2012, the CNUCON Alumni announced the purpose and project plan of the ‘100th Anniversary of Nursing Education at Chonnam National University' and sent out notices on building plan of the 'Nursing History Museum' to alumni in Korea and overseas. On October 29, 2012, Prof. Soo Jin Kim, the Dean of College of Nursing, and Ahn Ja Kim, the president of the Alumni Association, were elected as the chairpersons of the Promotion Committee to promote the ‘100th Anniversary of Nursing Education at Chonnam National University’. The 'Nursing History Museum Building Committee' was organized, and Prof. Hae Young Kang was elected as the chairperson of the Building Committee. On November 20, 2012, the College of Nursing faculty declared the ‘100th Anniversary of CNUCON’ and held symposium and academic conference.

On October 25, 2012, the Chonnam National University approved to establish the ‘Nursing History Museum’ on the third floor of the Medical Building. On November 5, 2012, 'Expert Advisory Committee' was elected. On January 2, 2013, the College of Nursing signed a contract with Continue Inc. to construct the Nursing History Museum, which was selected from open bidding. The construction work was carried out under the supervision of the Chonnam National University. On September 30, 2013, the ‘Nursing History Museum Operation Regulations’ was passed at the Nursing Faculty Meeting, and Prof. Soo Jin Kim, the Dean of College of Nursing, was elected as the first director. On October 30, 2013, '100 Years of Nursing Education at Chonnam National University', was published. Finally, 'Nursing History Museum' was opened on November 28, 2013.